In SeisAnalysis AS, we are working towards a better understanding of all the possibilities of earthquake risk reduction. SeisAnalysis AS emphasizes on earthquake seismology and its related phenomena. We explore state-of-the-art and innovative solutions to practical problems in earthquake seismology.
We cover a wide range of tasks in seismology, including, but not limited to the following:
- seismic hazard analysis,
- seismic monitoring in mines,
- monitoring of induced seismicity around large hydraulic structures,
- analysis of seismic activities around oil and gas fields,
- seismotectonic studies especially along subduction zones,
- rockslide and landslide monitoring,
- paleoseismological studies with emphasis on subduction zones,
- seismic data analysis,
- forensic seismology,
- developing methods on spotting future possible great earthquakes, especially along subduction zones, and
- consulting and analytical services to a diverse clientele that includes decision-makers and regulators on earthquake-related problems.

Earthquakes With More Than 1000 Fatalities

Earthquakes With More Than 100,000 Fatalities

1 - Earthquake
2 - Questionable Earthquake
3 - Earthquake and Landslide
4 - Volcano and Earthquake
5 - Volcano, Earthquake and Landslide
6 - Volcano
7 - Volcano and Landslide
8 - Landslide
9 - Meteorological
10 - Explosion
11 - Astronomical Tide

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Earthquake Source Analysis is the foremost asset in SeisAnalysis AS

- Organization Number: 919 788 674
- +47 91 80 31 01
- Last Updated on August 5, 2022