In spite of the fact that earthquake occurrence has been almost steady during the human era, population growth and expanding urbanization have resulted in increased risk and fatalities due to earthquakes. In SeisAnalysis AS, we are working towards a better understanding of all the possibilities of earthquake risk reduction.
SeisAnalysis AS emphasizes on earthquake seismology and its related phenomena. We explore state-of-the-art and innovative solutions to practical problems in earthquake seismology. We cover a wide range of tasks in seismology, including, but not limited to the following:
- seismic hazard analysis,
- seismic monitoring in mines,
- monitoring of induced seismicity around large hydraulic structures,
- analysis of seismic activities around oil and gas fields,
- seismotectonic studies especially along subduction zones,
- rockslide and landslide monitoring,
- paleoseismological studies with emphasis on subduction zones,
- seismic data analysis,
- forensic seismology,
- developing methods on spotting future possible great earthquakes, especially along subduction zones, and
- consulting and analytical services to a diverse clientele that includes decision-makers and regulators on earthquake-related problems.

1 - Earthquake
2 - Questionable Earthquake
3 - Earthquake and Landslide
4 - Volcano and Earthquake
5 - Volcano, Earthquake and Landslide
6 - Volcano
7 - Volcano and Landslide
8 - Landslide
9 - Meteorological
10 - Explosion
11 - Astronomical Tide

1 - Earthquake
2 - Questionable Earthquake
3 - Earthquake and Landslide
4 - Volcano and Earthquake
5 - Volcano, Earthquake and Landslide
6 - Volcano
7 - Volcano and Landslide
8 - Landslide
9 - Meteorological
10 - Explosion
11 - Astronomical Tide

Earthquake Source Analysis is the foremost asset in SeisAnalysis AS

- Organization Number: 919 788 674
- +47 91 80 31 01
- Last Modified: Last Updated on June 23, 2022